Discover how our Software will support your CAD/CAM projects
With Software products from ERATZ Engineering VeraCAD, RollCAD, Zeye3D and VeraMASS - you get advanced tools, to reduce your workload and efficiently save money. Software from practice for users - we know your requirements, because service with our software is an active part of our business. On the next pages you receive information about our individual software products. All software provides high level interactivity with graphical response in all design stages. You have access to all design parameters and consequently to the manufacturing process. Realize roller parts without rolling defects, gain more process stability and finally save money and time.
By the ongoing daily integration into current customer projects, we permanently improve our software with up-to-date requirements and features. Software for practitioners, provided by a constructive dialog with our customers and partners.
Dipl.-Ing. Herrmann Eratz
- Mechanical engineering at university TU Aachen, Germany
- 10 years research work for german forging industry
- 5 years general manager in a company developing FEM solutions
- 1994 starting own business with ERATZ Engineering, focus on developing rolling technologies for the forging industry
- 10 Years of CAD design service for complex 3D parts, preform design, flash design
- FEM-Service, static analysis and metal flow simulation
- Developent of VeraCAD software that is used today at more than 60 forging companies worldwide
- Strong partnership with EUMUCO (today SMS Meer Group) for development of roll forging tools.
- Trainings for reducer rolling and cross wedge rolling.
On this page you will find our publications and products in the global press. Read about the successes we have achieved with our software products. The individual articles are available as PDF downloads at your disposal.
Why rely on CAD service and serives ERATZ engineering?
From time to time it can happen that you have to balance short-term shortages, or want to realize special constructions. We offer our expertise and the ability to use resources to help you save cost effective.
It's not worth starting your own on staff from other projects to raise and so weaken an ongoing project. Here we go with a short-term and individualized service.
We construct with the CAD system EUKLID
- Complete geometry input according to drawing
- Geometry input based on foreign CAD data
- Geometry input based on digitizing data
- Delivery of the Euklid source code
- Delivery as IGES, EDX, or VDAFS data via e-mail or CD
- Short-term order acceptance and settlement is possible
Prices on request, please contact us.
Europe / America
ERATZ Engineering
Herrmann Eratz
Kirchhörder Str. 94
44229 Dortmund
Phone +49 (0)231 72 73 290
Fax +49 (0)231 72 73 291

203, 2nd Floor
Pride Icon, Kharadi
Pune - 411 014
J. Giridhar Babu
Cell: +91 9823128223
Landline Giridhar Babu 0091-2027-0145-00
Phone: +91 20 27014500
NX Technosys Pvt Ltd. Home

NETFORM Engineering Machinery Metal Ltd.
288/5 Sok. No:10 D:14 Colakoglu Center
35535 Bayrakli - IZMIR / TURKEY
Mert Aygen
Managing Director & Co-owner
Phone: +90 232 373 77 11
Cell: +90 549 373 77 11

National Chung Hsing University
250, Kuokuang Road
TW-402 Taichung
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Kuang-Jau Fann
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Phone: +886-4-22840433 ext. 401
Fax: +886-4-22877170

Shanghai Xianou
Forging PressTechnology Co., Ltd.
Lane 6888, Middle Jiasong Road
Qingpu District
Shanghai PRC 201703
Phone/Fax: +86 21-68976376
Cell: +86 137-95384256